Rebuilding From Broken Blog: Day 1

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Rebuilding From Broken Blog - Day 1

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Last Updated on October 17, 2024 by Aimee Stock

Photo of gym equipment
Rebuilding From Broken Blog – Day 1

The story is a long one and the journey, even longer.  To summarize, I had a torn ankle and two torn knees from a fall in 2017. No surgery, just a ton of physical therapy and steroid injections. Those injections would later wreak havoc on my adrenal glands, but I’ll detail my injury and illness story from that treatment in another blog post.

After a year and a half of chasing that diagnosis and feeling so sick, I decided I had had enough of tests, scans and blood draws. There was no cancer, just adrenal glands that had gotten lazy and were putting me through hell. And maybe it was because it had gone on so long with so little relief or definitive diagnosis, I was just done. I had been dealing with this long enough to know what I would be feeling like until my adrenals remembered they had a job to do and that there would be no further medical intervention or they would surely fail.

I had been a dancer off and on throughout my life. Ballet, ballroom, latin, tap, jazz…you name it. Mid-diagnosis, I tried to go back to latin dancing and got frustrated. It was clear things were not right. I blamed my knee injuries. But it turned out that adrenal syndrome had affected my muscles causing atrophy in my quads. Back to physical therapy.

I spent a few months feeling sorry for myself (not gonna lie) and then I did the one thing I knew would clear my head. I went back to the one place I knew I could succeed…injured or not! And every day for the past few weeks, I have shown up at the gym. 4:30 am on the dot I am weight training.

Then, I started eating and supplementing like I was a bodybuilder. And thus began my 12 week experiment which will debut in early 2025. In the meantime, I’ll take you along on my journey through weight loss, meal prep, share my favorite supplements and products and all the tips I used to become stronger than my injuries. To Rebuild from broken. To not only hold myself accountable, but to hopefully give you the inspiration to follow in my footsteps. To not only dance again, but to compete. That is my ultimate goal.

quote from Ernest Hemingway regarding being broken
The world breaks everyone quote by Ernest Hemingway

*Disclaimer – I obtained medical clearance to pursue this path and am still under doctor supervision. I don’t seek to offer medical advice. As always, you should check with your physician before beginning any new program based on your personal goals & current health situation.




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